Educating people on vintage, antique jewelry and gemstones.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Attending a Venetian Ball

Hello, I am Victoria Vintage. Please follow me as I travel
around the world buying unique pieces of vintage jewelry
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I write articles regarding vintage, antique jewelry and
gemstones. Thank you for viewing.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Welcome! I am Victoria-Vintage. Today, I am covering information regarding the ruby in gemstone format.

Rubies are commonly found in East Africa, Burma, Thailand, Afghanistan and around Pakistan.

Gemoligists address different terms to describe a gems luster and its degree of intensity. Such as "Splendent" which means that the stone reflects light like a mirror. If there is little light reflected, then it is described as "dull", or "earthy".

Glasslike, or transparent gems have a "vitreous" luster. Precious metals have a metallic luster: and organic gems have a range from "resinous", or "waxy" to "pearly". Gemstones often vary in their luster.

The ruby is a rare gem. They come in different degrees of red. From pinkish to purplish in color. Or, in a brownish red color. The red color is determined by the amount of chromium, which further enhances the color by causing a red fluorescence. A true ruby has sometimes been called an "oriental ruby" to seperate it from the "red spinel". Often Garnets and purple Sapphires have been mistaken for rubies.
Centuries ago people believed they could predict the future by the varying degrees of color change in the ruby they wore. Rubies had a very high value. One very rare ruby titles "gigeion's blook" variety is now mined in Burma. The Burmese used to wear rubies to protect them from illnesses, or bad fortune.
The Hindus, believed the Ruby burned with an internal "fire". They named it "The King of Precious Stones".
Early mining of rubies goes back 2,500 years ago in the area around Sri Lanka (where tea comes from).
Rubies occur in bands of crystalline limestone. Rubies are fairly hard. Rubies measuring more than 2 inches in size were discovered in mica schists in Pakistan. Like sapphires, rubies are pleochroic and their hue will change if the stone is turned about.
Rubies should be valued under different intensities or values of light. A very strong light normally gives a ruby a very intense color, whereas a normal value of light may give out less intense color.
The center of ruby trade is in the vacinity of Thailand. The best quality rubies come from Burma. Their the rubies are none to have a fire in them, or a "crimson" glow.
When you look at the "raw" chunk of crystal, it is all red in color with a transparancy. When cut properly it can eminate the most amazing red hues with luster and brilliance. Often, they have a pinkish red hue.